Tuesday 17 February 2015

Volunteering with Elephants - Prep!

In April 2015, I will be going to South Africa for 6 weeks to volunteer at an Elephant Sanctuary and I could not be more excited! Everyone keeps asking me, why and how I did this.

To start with 'why' :
I have always loved Elephants for as long as I can remember, and with me... I find myself changing my mind a lot and not really having something I've always always enjoyed - except my love for Elephants. I have always wanted to go and spend an extended period time with them! 

I had a fair amount of savings and a fair amount coming in (at the time) and I decided whilst I have no children or mortgage to worry about, now was the perfect time to embark on this adventure. So I started by basically, googling it. I had a look at some information and projects from different companies, compared what they offer and the prices they offered it at and finally decided on Oyster Worldwide. I picked these because of the amount of support they offer, the prices and they offer an up close and personal five star lodge 'sleeping with the elephants'. Very exciting,
So I emailed a couple of questions, had a phone call and decided on some dates. I started organizing this back in June and decided roughly a years time would be ideal. Then obviously, I had to get some time off work organised which was fine!

Next was just saving, lots and lots of saving and lots and lots of  gradually paying of the price of the volunteering itself. This was £1509, a set price for two weeks then extra for additional weeks. Then I had to save and pay for the flights (which I've only just done!) which was £1033 - expensive times D:

I also had to consider what jabs I would need, me being the organise freak I am, I went about September time giving me 7 months to ensure they can all be done within the correct time span. The jabs I had was Typhoid jab and the Twinrix jab which is the combined Hep A and Hep B jab which consists of 4 (3 before and 1 a year after) All of these were free, I just need a Rabis jab which will be £150, so all in all... not too bad.
Then I had to get myself some travel insurance which I got via Global Insurance which Oyster actually recommend which makes this very easy. This was just £141.

What's next?
So, as mentioned - I need to organise my rabis jab then it's just a case of a few equipment/clothing essentials! My parents are getting me some walking boots, then I need a couple of basics clothing-wise and a backpack... and spending money! (Luckily I get paid the Friday before I leave so that takes care of that!)

I think nearer the time when it comes to backing and arranging lifts to the airport and such, I will be getting quite nervous.... at the moment though, all excitment! 
I can't wait to live my dream!

P.S keep you posted! ;)